
Lilac Insights provides evidence-based, comprehensive prenatal screening solutions

Our Bureau, MumbaiWednesday, December 22, 2021, 16:10 Hrs  [IST]

Lilac Insights, a genetic diagnostic testing company, stated that it provides evidence-based, comprehensive prenatal screening solutions and some  commonly requested tests are Prenatal Screening tests like EVICO Duo, EVICO Quad, EVICO Duo PE, EVICO Enhanced, and NIPS tests, available under the brand name InsighT-Adv and InsighT.
“During pregnancy, the two main concerns are either fetal or fetomaternal. Fetal chromosomal abnormalities occur due to change in the number or structure of chromosomes. In comparison, fetomaternal problems include placental insufficiency and pre-eclampsia. This could further lead to intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), intrauterine death (IUD), stillbirths, or maternal complications, including death,” stated Subhamoy Dastidar, Co-Founder & Director, Lilac Insights.
Dastidar added that each pregnancy is checked for common chromosomal aneuploidies and placental complications, according to the company. The advantage of prenatal screening is to determine if the baby has common genetic problemssuch as Trisomy 21 (T21) which can lead to mental retardation, heart defects and other challenging health issues; Trisomy 13 (T13), and Trisomy 18 (T18), which are common and lethal disorders, which can affect any pregnancy.
The other advantages include giving early prediction or alerts in each pregnancy for disorders like pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, placental insufficiency and Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR). These can impact both the baby and the mother if not managed timely. Also, Increased AFP (hormone released during pregnancy) levels helps identify if a pregnancy is at a risk of developing Open Neural Tube Defects (ONTDs).
"At Lilac Insights, we use Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) UK Accredited Platforms with strict adherence to FMF UK protocols and algorithms for risk calculation. FMF UK is the global body defining guidelines and protocols for standardized prenatal screening tests. We consider correctional factors for smoking, insulin intake, parity, type of pregnancy, maternal weight, previous history of T21, IVF pregnancy, which further increases the test’s sensitivity. Internal QC parameters (lab) and median monitoring are checked routinely. We are the first and only private lab in India to get Quality Assurance audit done by international agencies like UK–NEQAS & RIQAS since inception," says Dastidar.
