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DBT soon to begin research on consequences of viral infection on cardiovascular health & prevention strategies

Gireesh Babu, New Delhi
Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has invited researchers, scientists and clinicians to collaborate in multicentric projects to study consequences of viral infection including post Covid-19 impact on cardiovascular health, and prevention strategies, in order to gain insights into the therapeutic segment.

The aim is to support scientists and researchers from the public and private academic institutions, universities and R&D centres recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) to study specific areas of cardiovascular health and diseases, as a part of chronic and lifestyle diseases programme for gaining deep insights into the pathophysiology of cardiovascular complications and understanding cardiac functions and developing early risk-assessment strategies to prevent the multidimensional complexities associated with cardiovascular diseases.

"Long-term cardiac complications have been learnt to be associated post Covid-19 pandemic with worse outcomes in many cases. The patho-physiological mechanisms for the cardiac damage associated with the viral invasion needs to be explored," said the Department while inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) from interested scientists and clinical researchers from DSIR-recognised institutions.

This also results in the need for better biological models of the myocardium for understanding cardiac functions and to study cardiovascular consequences of viral infections. Alongside, it is also imperative to identify the highest-risk individuals for CVD for early-risk assessment and find improved biomarkers and therapeutic leads to reduce the disease burden, added DBT.

The EoI has been invited for developing multi-centric collaborative projects involving basic scientists and clinicians in specific areas including cardiovascular consequences of viral infection including post-Covid impact, models for understanding cardiac function and drug discovery, and cardio-metabolic health related unmet needs and prevention strategies including identifying the high-risk individuals in the paediatric, adolescent and adult populations among others, prognostic or predictive biomarker identification and validation leading to earlier recognition of risk and protective factors.

Multi-centric EoIs may be submitted by interested Scientists, Clinicians, Biotechnologists, Clinical researchers engaged in public and private Academic institutions, Universities, R&D centres recognized by DSIR in any one of these topics of research.

It added that the EoIs are indicative of their intent and in no way guarantees funding from the Department. The EoIs should be submitted in prescribed format within December 15, 2024.

Recent comprehensive research analysis on global burden of diseases for the period from 1990 to 2019 has identified cardiovascular disease as the topmost causes of the morbidity and mortality in India. It is found that besides the role of metabolic drivers in cardiovascular events, economic, social and environmental factors also contribute to biological pathways leading to cardiovascular diseases, said the Department.


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