The Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) has informed all State Pharmacy Councils that the council has initiated continuing education programmes and skill development programmes to improve the skill sets of the pharmacists across the country.
The information has been passed to the State Councils to utilise the initiatives to improve the quality of manpower in the states.
PCI has joined hands with Life Sciences Sector Skill Development Council (LSSSDC) for skill development and entrepreneurship under funding support from Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana for Upskilling and Certification Programme of LSSSDC in Life Sciences Sector.
The project has a total of 26,500 seats for the registered pharmacists for upskilling and certification by LSSSDC. This is a good opportunity for State Pharmacy Councils in the Southern Region to up-skill and certify the registered pharmacists for their future growth and enhance the skills for efficient performance in pharmacies. Initially, the project will start from southern states.
Mandatory 30 hours including four hours for programme orientation and mock assessment practice, along with two-three hours for mandatory assessments and daily training hours is minimum two hours and maximum eight hours.
This certificate will be issued after completion of course. Certificate is valid for renewal of registration under CEP, under regulation 4.2 of Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015, it added.
Besides, the Council has launched an online certificate course on Rational Use of Medicines for registered pharmacists, under the continuous education programme, in collaboration with Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI). This is to enable the registered pharmacists to make the community aware to use the drugs rationally.
This certificate will be issued after completion of course and is valid for renewal of registration under CEP, under the provisions of Pharmacy Practice Regulations, 2015.