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TSMC warns private hospitals not to appoint Pharm Ds and Ayush doctors as duty medical officers

Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, Chennai
Friday, April 12, 2024, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

After a thorough inspection on super speciality hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and private hospitals in the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) area, the Telangana State Medical Council (TSMC) has given strict warning to all big and small healthcare centres and the registered medical practitioners not to appoint Pharm D graduates or medical professionals of Ayush systems as duty medical officers in the institutions.
A circular issued by the TSMC on March 10 states that during their inspections in various hospitals the council was shocked to see that many of the institutions including super speciality hospitals and other private hospitals engaged Pharm D graduates and BAMS, BHMS and BUMS as duty doctors.
Alarmingly, according to the TSMC, these ISM medical graduates and Pharm Ds are writing the case sheets pertaining to the patients and diagnosing them. A lot of hospitals are appointing Ayush doctors as duty doctors, the council has found in their inspections.
Another anomaly mentioned in the circular is that most of the hospitals are not displaying the registration numbers issued by the medical council against the names of the consultant doctors in the hospitals’ display boards. Further, the council has found that medical consultants from other states practicing in Telangana have not registered their certificates with the TSMC. Similarly, a lot of medical practitioners have not renewed their registrations with the council.  
The medical council has wanted all the hospital managements and medical superintendents and other appointing authorities in the hospitals to verify the authenticity of the certificates and the genuineness of the persons before making appointments.  They can verify the registrations of the medical professionals with the registration portal of the council.
Finally the council has warned the hospitals that if any institution or any RMP violates the directions of the TSMC, the council will take action against them as per the Telangana Medical Practitioners Registration Act 1968 and also as per the National Medical Commission Act 2019.


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B RAJKUMAR Apr 12, 2024 9:11 AM
It's good discission @ it's may helpful for mbbs drs
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