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Impcops to bring out 40 kinds of herbal veterinary drugs to treat ailments of animals

Peethaambaran Kunnathoor, Chennai
Wednesday, January 5, 2022, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Indian Medical Practitioners Co-operative Pharmacy and Stores Ltd (Impcops) operating at Adayar in Chennai will soon bring a range of ethno-veterinary medicines (EVM) to treat cattle ailments.

In the beginning, 40 categories of medicines will be brought to the market. These drugs can also be used to treat diseases affecting elephants and dogs, says Dr. M Kannan, president of the cooperative pharmacy of traditional medicines.

This is the first time a traditional drug manufacturing company enters into commercial production and supply of herbal veterinary medicines for the healthcare management of cattle and livestock, claims Dr. Kannan.

The list of 40 veterinary medicines issued by Impcops includes the popular siddha drug Nilavembu Kudineer used for viral fever.

Dr. Kannan said this drug, Nilavembu Kudineer, can be administered for fever in animals too.  Talking to Pharmabiz, he said most of the farmers rearing cattle or raising livestock do not know much about the use or benefit of herbal veterinary drugs because there is no established herbal medicines treatment system for animals. But they are looking for an alternative medicine. Since they are in the dark about the advantages of herbal medicines, the cow herders and the dairy farmers choose costly allopathic medicines for their animals’ healthcare problems.

Impcops hopes that with the release of the herbal products for animal treatment, the cattle raising community in Tamil Nadu will be benefited largely as they can afford the prices of the medicines which are economical. The president of the multi-state cooperative society said it will bring out the range of products at the end of this month.

The siddha expert and advisor to dairy and herbal farmers, Dr. TT Narayan from Adampakkam in Chennai has commented that there is one traditional book in the siddha system, “Mattu Vagatam’ which deals with veterinary drugs in siddha. The book talks about more than one hundred types of medicines for various animal ailments, said he by adding that more research is required in the use of traditional medicines for animal treatment.

Most of the EVMs to be brought out by Impcops are in powder and liquid forms. Veterinary doctors of Impcops will be given special training about the use of these drugs and they will provide awareness to the cattle raising community about the way the drugs should be administered to the animals.


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