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KSRPO calls for dedicated wing to monitor veterinary drugs in state DC depts

Nandita Vijay, Bengaluru
Monday, September 28, 2020, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

The Karnataka State Registered Pharmacists' Organisation (KSRPO) has expressed concern over the quality of veterinary drugs being sold in the country as a slew of formulations for animal health are being launched in the market.

The organisation claims that there is rampant misuse of steroids and antibiotics in poultry farming, causing adverse reactions in consumers. It calls for a dedicated wing to monitor veterinary drugs across state drugs control departments in the country.

In this regard, KSRPO has communicated to the ministry of fisheries, animal husbandry and dairy to look into the issue of administering steroids and indiscriminate use of antibiotics on poultry, which is harmful for the health of fowls and humans.

“We are doubtful about the quality and the pricing of these formulations. The distributors are making the most of this situation. There are hardly any violations reported for veterinary drugs. The drug inspectors are expected to detect these offences and prosecute the offenders,” said Ashokswamy Heroor, president, KSRPO in his communication to the ministry of animal husbandry and dairy and the ministry of chemicals & fertilizers.

While the government has banned oxytocin injections in dairy farming, we want them to look into the issue of poultry medications too, he added.

When contacted, Karnataka additional drugs controller Amaresh Thumbagi told Pharmabiz, “We have not received any complaints on the contents of poultry drugs. There are regular inspections at outlets selling veterinary drugs and even at the manufacturing units of these formulations”.

According to a section of veterinary industry professionals, use of antibiotics in poultry is required from the time the eggs are hatched. The chicks are prone to infections easily because of overcrowding in poultry sheds. Infections like virus, bacteria, mold-fungi besides protozoa and parasites are common and manifest in such surroundings. In order to prevent infection, there is need for such drugs. In the case of steroids, these are administered to the chicks for weight gain.  

Dr Raghuraman J, post graduate student, department of poultry science, Veterinary College, Bengaluru, noted that there is a profusion of new drugs for the fowls. There is also preference for herbal drugs over chemical-based antibiotics. Use of growth promoting feeds over steroid is imminent.

According to Dr Varun Sastry, practicing veterinarian, Prakruthi Veterinary Hospital, use of antibiotics for poultry birds is like a double edged sword. While it is favourable on the one hand for infection control, on the other there are consequences to its health.  It would be prudent to adopt a preventive strategy by infusing supplements to improve immunity of the fowls.

Though there are elaborate guidelines issued from time to time, Heroor said that KSRPO is apprehensive about its adherence, going by the number of veterinary drugs to be tested and prices to be monitored. Therefore, the KSRPO has sought a separate a wing in every district drugs control department to exclusively monitor veterinary drugs and to check their prices.


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