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Dr J A Jayalal elected new national president of IMA

Yash Ved, Mumbai
Monday, January 4, 2021, 08:00 Hrs  [IST]

Dr J A Jayalal has been elected as the new national president of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) for the year 2020-2021 at its 95th annual national conference.

The meeting was held with utmost care following all the protocols necessary for corona care.

“Every effort would be taken to negotiate with the central government not to encourage mixing of various streams of medicine which would ultimately be detrimental to the unsuspecting illiterate public who would be denied the best of modern medicine. IMA would not tolerate Mixopathy promoted by the Central Government and Central Council of Indian Medicine, and we will not rest until the battle is won,” stated Dr Jayalal, new president of the IMA.

Present on the occasion were Dr C Vijayabaskar, Health Minister, Tamil Nadu as the Chief Guest along with the state principal health secretary Dr. J Radha Krishnan.

The keynote address was given by former president of World Medical Association and former president of Medical Council of India Dr Ketan Desai.

“IMA has always stood by the government in all health-related activities at all times of disasters both natural and manmade. I would like to thank all the members of IMA for assisting the government selflessly and for their cooperation with the government during the pandemic crisis. I would like to share my hearty wishes to the new national president for a better success and for a continued cooperation in the future also,” said Dr C Vijayabaskar, Health Minister, Tamil Nadu.

The health secretary assured categorically that the government of Tamil Nadu stood for purity of sciences in stream of medicine and more so would not accept mixing of other streams with modern medicine.

Dr Jayalal also requested all those present to stand up and give ovation to the chief minister and health minister of government of Tamil Nadu for the allocation of 7.5% of seats for the poor meritorious students from government schools. He also proposed to form a pool of willing doctors who are willing to serve in rural pockets of the country where basic health care was not available and requested the states to identify such areas and IMA would immediately rush doctors there.

Dr Ketan Desai in his keynote address remembered all the martyrs of our profession including paramedics who lost their lives in the fight against COVID-19. He pointed out that the central government has come forward to allocate seats in professional courses for the wards of the medical martyrs and appealed to the state government of Tamil Nadu to do the same in Tamil Nadu also.

The health minister immediately responded saying that the proposal would be taken for immediate consideration.


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